2024 Big Picture

2024 Big Picture

2023 was a great start for RemedyGuard. If you haven't yet, check out my 2023 Recap.

Jumping right in, overdose deaths steadied in 2023. Efforts are working! With Narcan available OTC and given away freely, more people are able to stop overdoses when they happen. With Fentanyl Test Strips, people are able to protect themselves against tainted drug supplies. With expanding access to treatment, more people are able to seek the help they need. Finally, with more lockboxes in the world, people are able to prevent overdoses in the home.

We can put the tools in place to prevent the $1.5 trillion in economic damages and save more than 100,000 lives each year.

How? Using the Opioid Settlement Fund and outreach organizations.

$26.9 billion has already been distributed to all 50 States at the State and County level. Further, since 2005, more than half the U.S. has lived in an area with a Drug-Free Community (DFC) Coalition. There are other organizations like America's Poison Center, children's hospitals, and school districts that help shore up the gap.

Those organizations make it all happen. Our world would be a much bleaker place if they didn't exist and without our support, it will be. My lived experiences tell me that.

They also tell me that I have been doing too much alone. Which is why I am expanding RemedyGuard in 2024. I will be bringing on more partners and advisors to help accomplish the mission.

Do you know someone who might be a good fit? Send them my way! I would love to hear from them!

By working together, we can change the trajectory of the Nation.


Mathew Snyder

Founder & Owner

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